Over the next three days the weather in New Hampshire is supposed to be beautiful. I am forever thankful for this, as it has been cold and rainy. Now we wait. We wait for the frost to cease, the ground to thaw, and spring to break. Personally, I am waiting to plant some over-grown seedlings, and get some sun!
I have agreed to be the host for a new open mic in Bristol, NH at The Mill Fudge Factory. How wonderful to combine lovely fudge with poetry. For the first open mic, my fellow poet Tony Brown will be featuring! I am thrilled that Linda, Noah, and the other wonderful folks at The Mill Fudge Factory asked me to be a part of this.
The publishing is chugging along. Foundling Review will be publishing one of my poems soon. However, I haven’t submitted very much myself lately. I have been busy editing OVS Magazine. Cinnamon Stuckey and Terry Lucas have been wonderful to work with on this issue. We have had over 160 poets and artists submit work! I can’t wait to see what Patricia Smith has in store for us!
I am still waiting to hear from Salmon Poetry concerning the possible publication of my manuscript. I still check my email regularly with the hope that I will have one waiting with good news on this front. I told one of my poet friends, “I am so invested in this being a real possibility, I don’t know what I will do if/when it doesn’t pan-out!” She smiled and said, “Submit it to other publishers! Keep trying!”  I know she is right, but a girl can hope.
The White Mountain Kitchen Sessions are starting to pick-up. I have been able to get Christina Cook, a local NH poet to agree to be our feature for May. I am still working on someone for April, as Christina had originally planned to be our April feature, but had other plans that conflicted. Stephen from 103.9FM has faithfully been coming to record the sessions. I am delighted that he has been involved, and been able to help us share the wonderful work from my kitchen with others.
The D Acres Writing Workshop that I have been running is going beautifully! It is wonderful to see the amazing break-through work these guys are doing! I love working with them.
Happy April, everyone!