After teaching an astronomical number of classes this Fall, I am taking some time to catch-up on the myriad of tasks that have fallen by the wayside. First, OVS submissions. Second, my submissions to journals and magazines are in dire need of attention. Lastly, writing some new work!
I have a lot of news to catch-up on!  I have had my second book, Elemental, accepted for publication by Salmon Poetry in 2014.  I would never have guessed that I would find such a wonderful publisher for my work, much less that I would have two books accepted and contracted in the same year!  When I first sent Any Other Branch (my first book) to Salmon Poetry, I had no idea I was submitting to such a powerhouse in poetry publication.  I was just impressed with many of the poets, and liked the work they were putting out.  I count myself as one of the fortunate ones to be a part of this group of authors.
The work I have done with The Mill Fudge Factory, and the reading series there has been a wonderful success. Â We are on hiatus until April, but Liz Ahl will be kicking off a fantastic series for 2011. So far we have Liz Ahl (April), Dudley Laufman (July), and Jack McCarthy (June) Â lined-up as featured poets. Â I am finding it easier to fill the slots as word gets out about the wonderful venue!
My Kitchen Sessions have been on-hold until May. Â It isn’t always easy to get folks to drive into the White Mountains during the summer, much-less the dead of winter! Â I am considering hosting it as a poetry boot-camp this year…ahh the possiblities!
The McDowell Colony application has been sent, and I am fortunate enough to be able to attend AWP’s conference in Washington, D.C. this year.  It will be my first AWP conference.  I am looking forward to meeting many new poetry friends, catching-up with some old poetry friends, and last but not least, meeting Jessie Lendennie (editor of Salmon Poetry) face-to-face for the first time!
D Acres Writing Group is going strong. Â There are always a flux of new folks, and the core group. Â The current focus is on writing fiction.
I am looking forward to creating the new syllabi for my Spring courses at Plymouth State University, NHTI, and possibly Colby-Sawyer. Â One of the things I love about being a teacher is the renewal that comes with the beginning of each new semester. The students come in fresh and ready to learn, and I am rejuvenated and ready to help them on their journey.
Off I go to get these things rolling!