It has been an intense few weeks since the Spring Semester ended, and my Summer classes were supposed to start. Since I found myself with a little extra time on my hands, I immediately had to fill it! I was introduced to the Writer’s Center in White River Junction Vermont by a friend of mine through Facebook. It was kismet! They didn’t have a poet to offer workshops in the art. So, I am happy to announce that I am offering two workshops at the center, and planning a poet’s retreat here on the farm.
Take a look and email me if you are interested in registering!
Reading Your Poems
The Writer’s Center
58 North Main Street
White River Junction , VT 05001
Saturdays, June 30, July 14, July 21, August 4
1 – 3 p.m.
Instructor: Ivy Page
This workshop will focus on improving your presence when reading your work aloud. Discussion will center on line breaks and how we read them, tone, and diction. We will experiment with “character” on the stage, the sounds that occur in your work, and how to use these things to your advantage. At the end of the course we will have a public reading, location TBA. All levels of writing experience required, as you will need to bring work you have produced to read. Registration is required. Minimum enrollment 5; max. 15. To confirm your place in the class or for more info, contact
From Poem to Printed Page
The Writer’s Center
58 North Main Street
White River Junction , VT 05001
Saturdays, June 30, July 14, July 21, August 4
3:30 – 5:30p.m.
Instructor: Ivy Page
Do you know how to read your work as an editor and send your work out to journals? Can you organize your manuscript, and evaluate publishers to send it out to? In this workshop we will work from any level to get your work published. We will explore the world of publication, motivations for publication, and what sort of publication you want to see your work in. While I cannot promise you will get published, you will be given the tools to start your journey! All experience levels welcome! Registration is required. Minimum enrollment 5; max. 15. To confirm your place in the class or for more info, contact
On the Farm: A Poets Retreat
Applewood Farm, Warren NH
Friday – Sunday, July 27 – 29
12 p.m. Friday – 2 p.m. Sunday
Instructor: Ivy Page
Bring your tent and join us for a retreat on a 15 acre organic farm in the White Mountains. We will be working on writing new material, discussing new ways to inspire and inform your work, and we will have a brief review of where to go to get published. As a poet and editor, I will offer you insight into the process that one journal uses to evaluate work. Dinner will be provided on the 27th and 28th. If you have special dietary restrictions, please let us know when you register. No writing experience required at all. Registration, however, is required. Minimum enrollment 7; max. 40. To confirm your spot or for more info, contact