I have been reminded of my love for words over the holidays and the past month. Sometimes when you are teaching a ton of classes as an adjunct, you can squeeze in the occasional poem here or there. But you never get quality time with your writing. That takes time and space and how much of either depends on the writer. I wrote two new poems this month, and while that doesn’t seem like a lot after writing 4-5 a month in graduate school, it was!
I get romantic ideas sometimes about what kind of poems I want to write. It boils down to wanting to write something that matters outside of the little world inside my head. I am moving into new possibilities with my subjects and structure. This is terrifying and thrilling.
Ultimately, I return to the conversation I had with one of the most amazing people I know…he said, “You want to do what you love.”
“And if you could make money writing your poetry, you would do that.”
Just the other day I received the cover image of my book.
It has been a long strange road to get here. Not that I am expecting to make a great deal of money on Any Other Branch, but that would be awesome!
The launch reception for Any Other Branch is going to happen at the AWP conference in Boston, but I am working on locations in NH, MA, VT, and Maine to do readings within the first few months. I would love to drive down the east coast this summer and make stops at book stores and such along the way promoting the book. This is hard to plan, but I do love a challenge.