Tall blonde looking
for: individual with body
mass index of 25 or better,
IQ must fall between 130-140,
Resting blood pressure should
not exceed 120/70, head
circumference of 25″- 30″
Must have perfect lungs.
Previously published in Snow Monkey…
for Eric
If I knew that those Sunday-school stories I heard would become
a ball of uncertainty rolling around inside me,
if my parents hadn’t kicked me out for dating the youth pastor wannabe,
and I hadn’t moved in with the married lesbian.…
Recently, I have been considering looking for a literary agent. It seems that poetry is one of the genres that many agents would rather avoid. There are a few exceptions. I know many of my former professors have representation, but how does one find an agent and then start a relationship with said agent?…
It has been an intense few weeks since the Spring Semester ended, and my Summer classes were supposed to start. Since I found myself with a little extra time on my hands, I immediately had to fill it! I was introduced to the Writer’s Center in White River Junction Vermont by a friend of mine through Facebook. …
It is the time of year that students get antsy in class anticipating the end of the work for the term, Christmas lights go up in my little town, and the holiday music drifts across the radio waves of my little car.…
For a year or so I have been thinking of writing a book on writing poetry, getting your work out there, and other writing things. I have had a number of people ask me for advice on everything from how to start writing poetry to how to shop a book of poetry out.…
This has been one of the more challenging semesters, but quite fulfilling. Many of the classes I taught were filled with freshmen, excited, then nervous, then exhausted, and now feeling the pinch of the final week. I rode through this roller-coaster with them, while offering encouragement, guidance, and (of course) lessons along the way.…
I was fortunate enough to have a couple of great friends join me and my family here in the White Mountains for the long weekend. We were quite the group. I couldn’t have asked for better weather or company. I even spent some time writing!…
For two years now I have been working hard to publish my poetry, find teaching positions, and become a local advocate for poetry through readings and starting my own literary journal. At some point with any work, no matter how much you love it, it becomes just that…work.…
I can now breathe a sigh of relief. While last semester sent me into a spiral of letting the non-paid work slide, this semester is turning out a little more balanced. Thank goodness!
I have been able to keep OVS going, write, provide my students with feedback, and spend time with the family.…