I came home from work today to find a box of my books! It hasn’t been a real thing until now. Of course my work was real, and I have seen my work in print before, but an entire book is a whole new experience. …
This has been one of the more challenging semesters, but quite fulfilling. Many of the classes I taught were filled with freshmen, excited, then nervous, then exhausted, and now feeling the pinch of the final week. I rode through this roller-coaster with them, while offering encouragement, guidance, and (of course) lessons along the way.…
I am posting tonight to tell you that my first book will be out in March, 2012! Any Other Branch, the collection I worked on while in graduate school, is being published by Salmon Poetry of Ireland. I am thrilled! On to the next! I am working on a new collection. I have yet to title it, but am leaning towards, Eating Earth.…
Well, Spring has come and gone it seems. While the nights in the foothills of the White Mountains are still cool, the bugs are coming with the heat of the day. It is shaping up to be a great year so far!…
Over the next three days the weather in New Hampshire is supposed to be beautiful. I am forever thankful for this, as it has been cold and rainy. Now we wait. We wait for the frost to cease, the ground to thaw, and spring to break. Personally, I am waiting to plant some over-grown seedlings, and get some sun!…
Look out! Two blog posts in one month!
It has been a long weekend for me. I took a couple of extra days off of work this weekend, for sanity’s sake. As it is with every company, my day-job has felt the proverbial crunch of the current market.…