As I sit here in front of the fire, listening to the Cranberries, I think about how life changes so quickly. The frost on the car in the mornings, crisp air, and the impending doom or delight of winter is creeping in.…
Back to work today, and back to teaching tomorrow. I feel sure that all of my students were thrilled to have a day off. I would have enjoyed the time more if my head had been clear.
I have been pondering a question about writing lately, “What if I wrote for a living?” Most writers and other artists don’t write or paint, or create their art of any variety full-time.…
I have found lately that life has been more than a little stressful. It is easy to slip into the daily grind and feel like you have nothing left at the end of the day for yourself. Yesterday I was feeling particularly anxious, and so I sat down and wrote.…
Today I got a call back from New Hampshire Technical Institute! They want me to teach one or two sections of Composition. I am thrilled! Now all I have to do is work it out with my day job. The sections are at 8am – 10am, and my choices are Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday.…
During this weekend I have been working on the finishing touches of a book review, packing my house, and trying to market myself as a poet. Packing is refreshing in a way, the book review is fun, and marketing…well I do that everyday at work for others and it seems to be harder to do it for myself.…
As I am preparing to move to our new home, I am finding that I have accumulated far too much “stuff”. Packing up a house necessitates clearing out the clutter we have collected through the years. This is also true of writing practice.…
Well I have written one poem so far this weekend. This evening will be the poetry-writing-fest here at the Page house. Friday night was supposed to be, but we had many of our friends stop by unannounced. WARNING to all writers!…
The one thing about grad school…it teaches you how to be a work-a-holic. I coming out of writing 5 or more poems a month, and reading 5-7 books a month.
Since I have finished school I have sent nearly every poem in my manuscript out for consideration, 1 chapbook contest, and 2 queries for full book publication.…
All is said and done! I have graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing. The weekend was lovely with a birthday/4th of July party for Stephen.
My poem “Roosters” was accepted for publication in the September issue of The Houston Literary Review.…
This question often comes up in writing workshops, and classes. Audience is important to consider when you are sending your work out for publication, but I find it can be limiting to think about it too much when actually writing. Let’s face it, sometimes we feel vulgar so we write it, or we may feel romantic, and we write that, etc. The other thing that I find impacts and influences my writing is what I read. If I am reading a collection of Ginsberg, then my style shifts to his ever so slightly.…